Yes, that is a foot that you see.
First off, I know that I have been neglecting this blog lately. I've been incredibly busy, and haven't had much time for media of any sort, really. But no apologies. That's just how things go. So here's one now:
Jak X is a great game. For those of you familiar with the series, however, don't go into this expecting a Jak and Daxter game. This is purely an arcade racing title. You will spend no gameplay time outside of a vehicle, and the only thing in between races are menus. As far as the racing goes, it's pretty straightforward. It's your typical combat racer, with the standard offensive and defensive weapon pickups, boost pads, and the occasional environmental hazard. The vehicles handle fairly well, although the physics engine it does take some getting used to. The game has a physics engine in that things that happen in the game are consistent and make sense in relation to each other, but they don't really follow real world physics very closely.
The game is also standard fair as far as game modes are concerned: story, exhibition race (single, uninfluential race), and multiplayer. The story mode is fairly simple, consisting of event races tied together by a basic, but entertaining story. In between races, you can use money gained during the races to upgrade and customize your vehicles. Jak X sports several different race modes, a few of them unique to the title. There are the standard circuit race, deathmatch, and and time trial modes, but there are also a few modes that are new. One of these is a mode called "Rush Hour," which has you racing into oncoming traffic to see how many cars you can demolish on your way around the track. Another is "Turbo Dash," which has you and the other racers collecting power cells that are launched after a certain period of continuous boosting, the goal being to have launched the most at the end of the race. The game modes are solid, and many of them are gripping and intense, often leaving you wondering if you really stand a chance throughout the whole race.
On that point, Jak X is hard. Really hard. Some of the races, especially at the beginning will be a breeze, and certain modes are easier than others. Race modes where you are alone on the track completing some objective are typically easy, but when you are up against the computer, this game will destroy you. The game is difficult, unforgiving, and will punish you for every mistake, but it's honestly a little refreshing in this world of games with rewind features, gentle AI, and health recharge. Back in my day we had to manage bars, damn it! Anyway, the game is challenging, and at times it can be frustrating, but those times are few and far between. Typically, the frustrating parts were more about weird physics bugs than anything else.
So check it out. The gameplay is solid and addicting, the audio in the game is great, the controls are tight, and it's a ton of fun.
Verdict: Buy. Especially since it's twenty dollars at the most (if you don't know where to shop) now.
Finally, someone else who wants our health bars back. I remember playing the demo of this game and getting raped in arena mode.